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Setting up Ubuntu Linux to run in EVE-NG is a simple process that allows you to use many of the powerful features of the EVE...

Step by Step Cisco Router BGP Configuration
BGP is an interdomain routing protocol that is intended to provide businesses with loop-free routing. In this lab we will go over the cisco router...

How to Configure VRRP | Complete EVE-NG Lab
VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol) is a first hop redundancy protocol that is similar to HSRP. The key distinction between HSRP and VRRP is that...

Cisco HSRP Configuration: The Ultimate EVE-NG Lab
Implementing Cisco HSRP Configuration in your network will provide a fault-tolerant default gateway for your network. Hot Standby Routing Protocol (HSRP) is a Cisco proprietary...

Security group and a network ACL in AWS: What’s the difference?
When looking to provide enhanced security for your production resources in AWS, a security group or network ACL combined can help increase your security posture....

How to Setup an AWS Client VPN using OpenVPN
Once you start to get more resources into AWS you may not want to expose them all to the internet to gain access to them....

Complete Guide: How AWS Site-to-Site VPN Works
When moving to the cloud, you may need to connect your additional datacenter to your cloud resources. Read the complete guide on the AWS site-to-site...

AWS Advanced Virtual Private Cloud | Components & Design
When taking an approach to learning more about the advanced virtual private cloud, there are services and features that can help improve the reliability and...

Complete AWS VPC tutorial for beginners 2022
AWS has many components that continue to grow year after year. This complete AWS VPC tutorial for beginners can also be followed along by advanced...

How to Create an AWS S3 Bucket using AWS CLI
Creating an AWS S3 Bucket can be done programmatically, using the aws cli or through various automation platforms. One easy way is through the aws...