Azure resource naming conventions using Terraform

Azure resource naming conventions using Terraform

In this video, I will show you how to use Terraform to create and manage Azure resources with consistent and clear naming conventions. Naming conventions are important for readability, maintainability, and security of your infrastructure as code. Terraform is a popular tool for provisioning and managing cloud resources using declarative configuration files.

I will use the Azure/naming/azurerm module from the Terraform Registry¹, which generates names for Azure resources based on the Microsoft Cloud Adoption Framework for Azure recommendations². This module supports a variety of Azure resources, such as resource groups, virtual machines, storage accounts, and more. It also allows you to customize the prefix, suffix, and length of the names, as well as adding random characters for uniqueness.

By the end of this video, you will learn how to use Terraform to apply consistent and clear naming conventions for your Azure resources, and how to avoid common pitfalls and errors.

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