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An aws s3 vpc endpoint allows private access to Amazon S3 from your VPC. This improves overall security since traffic to S3 will not have...

How to Setup AWS VPC Peering
AWS VPC peering allows you to route traffic between two VPCs using their respective private IPv4 or IPv6 addresses. It is possible for instances in...

Create an aws key pair using terraform
We looked at how to create and destroy a straightforward EC2 instance in the last post on Terraform. This guide will walk you through how...

How to deploy an AWS Linux EC2 Instance Using Terraform
As the companies start to move to the cloud, you may find yourself needing to deploy an aws linux ec2 instance using terraform. There are...

How to Create an AWS VPC using Terraform
As more companies move to the cloud, many companies will need to create an aws vpc using terraform. Terraform helps eliminate manual task you would...

The Purpose of Terraform for Your Organization in 2022
The purpose of Terraform for your organization is to provide a flexible and reliable platform for managing infrastructure. Terraform provides the ability to create, change,...

How OSPF Link State Advertisement works
OSPF link state advertisements are advertisements the router floods to other routers when neighbors are becoming adjacent. An OSPF router adds or removes directly connected...

Types of Static Routes and How to Configure Them
Static routes can help provide precise control over routing but may create a burden when it comes to maintenance. As your network grows creating static...

How to configure ASAv in EVE-ng and use ASDM
Learning how to configure ASAv in eve-ng can help grow not only your networking skills but IT career. One of the biggest in demand fields...

EVE-NG: Complete OSPF multi area configuration lab
Our last lab talked about single area ospf. This ospf multi area configuration lab will walk you though setting up 6 cisco routers in 3...